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Perfect your summer entertaining with this stunning colourful fruit snack tray, stacked high with seasonal fruits! This easy snack option is quick to prepare. The trick lies in the presentation, serve it on a special dish or cake stand and add something special, such as fresh figs, mint sprigs or edible flowers. This fruit tray is a perfect accompaniment to our Five Climates Sauvignon Blanc or Chenin Blanc.

Preparation Time: 15min
Total Time: 15min
Servings: 12

* 1 mango
* 1 pineapple
* 5 kiwis sliced
* 150 g raspberries
* 150 g blueberries
* watermelon flesh cut into chunks
* 1 Spanspek
* 1 bunch grapes
* Sprigs of mint to garnish

1. Prepare the mango by making thick slices down either side of the stone. Score the flesh of each ‘cheek’ into a criss cross, then flip it into a hedgehog shape and use a knife to cut off each cube of mango flesh.

2. Prepare the pineapple by cutting the top and bottom (save the leafy top to include in your fruit platter for decoration if you wish). Stand it on the cut side and carefully cut off the thick rind. Cut long strips away from the hard core, then cut the strips into bite sized chunks.

3. Peel and slice the kiwi.

4. Rinse the raspberries and blueberries.

5. Cut the melons in half and then quarters. Scoop out the seeds and discard. Cut the peel from the flesh and then cut the flesh into bite sized pieces.

6. Wash the grapes but keep them on the stalk.

7. Decoratively assemble the fruit on your chosen plate, tray or cake stand, grouping each type of fruit together and keeping different colours to different sections.

Recipe Notes:
Tips: – avoid fruit that tends to go brown (apples, pears, banana) – make it on the day, or late the evening before – add firmer fruit, like melon, first, then pile soft fruit on top – group the same fruits together (i.e.: mango, strawberries or blueberries) so guests don’t have to pick through it – distribute colours so there’s variety (don’t put raspberries and strawberries in the same area) – add height with a bunch of grapes or pineapple – ensure grapes are seedless and serve them in a bunch so they don’t roll off the serving dish – remove seeds from melons

Recipe source:

Wine & Spirits Follow us on instagram

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