Cappupino Ccinotage 750ml
Coffee-style Pinotage is a unique and proudly South African innovation. The combination of well toasted oak for a few months and the characteristic Pinotage fruit flavours, create a style of red wine that has richly layered coffee and chocolate flavours, balanced by ripe red berry fruit. This style has attracted an enormous following in South Africa and abroad in recent years. Hence the name being a play on the words pinotage and cappuccino, the espresso-based coffee drink originating from Italy.
Food Pairing
The Boland Cellar coffee-style Pinotage displays layers of dark prune, plum and ripe blueberry flavours, with a prominent toasted French oak finish, reminiscent of Mocha Java ground coffee. Due to the careful extraction of Pinotage fruit flavours, the oak is well integrated and delivers a wine with a delightfully smooth and lingering finish. This unique and expressive wine is ideally paired with barbequed meats such as lamb chops, boerewors sausage and beef kebabs.