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Our wines and our website are intended for adults of legal drinking age. By entering our site, you verify that you are of legal drinking age in your country of residency.
Not for sale to persons under the age of 18.

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Boland Trees for Bees Pledge Fund: Find Out More


Kry net die beste wyn vir jou Valentyn!

Spandeer R300 of meer by Boland Kelder se proelokaal en staan ‘n kans om ‘n Boland Kelder geskenkbewys plus ‘n Cattle Baron geskenkbewys te WEN ter waarde van R500 elk! Hierdie promosie is geldig vanaf 10 tot 14 Februarie 2020. Die wenner sal op die Boland Kelder Facebook blad aangekondig word op 17 Februarie 2020. Vir meer inligting kontak

Proelokaal ure: Maandae-Vrydae 09h00-17:00, Saterdae: 10h00-15:00 (Sondae: gesluit)


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